Monday, September 27, 2004

The Big 3-0

My best friend, Elizabeth, was surprised by her husband with a 30th birthday party on Saturday. (Her husband, Curt, has a wonderful blog supporting marriage. They are absolutely a concrete example of how a married couple can live in a modern world and still embrace Godly principles.) She turns 30 on October 5, and I turn 30 on November 20. Several people have made little comments to me suggesting that 30 is the threshold to being old. I disagree. I don't know about everyone else, but I think my twenties were pretty horrible. I spent so much time being unsure of who I was and wondering what path in life to take. I usually felt lost and adrift, even though I already had become a Christian. I have to admit that I did face an unusual number of challenges in my twenties, losing Mom and all of my grandparents, which led to many of my feelings. Luckily, I found a wonderful therapist in Miami who has helped me get on the road to recovering from all that pain. As I enter my thirties, I am excited. I feel that I am leaving choppy seas and entering more still waters. My goals are more concrete and my support system is tried and true.

So, Happy 30th Liz, Happy 30th Me, and Happy 30th Sowders, Rhonda, Lisa, Michelle, Jeff, and all my other 29 year old friends. May our next 30 years be filled with a true enjoyment of life.

On a final happy note, I have finally moved into my own apartment!! Ahh! I am exhausted from the moving, and I have a few more days to go, but I am so happy to be in my own space. I bought a pillowtop mattress that feels like sleeping on a cloud. Also, I bought 400 thread-count sheets that are the softest things I've ever seen. I love my apartment. :)

1 comment:

astoria lily said...

Hey Sweetie,
I am so happy for you that you'll have your own place again! I bet it will feel like such a blissful coccoon! Your new blog is looking pretty snazzy, too!
Much love,