Monday, September 20, 2004

Miss America

Well, my sore throat turned out to be more than just allergies, so I spent most of the weekend in misery on the couch. Saturday night, I watched the Miss America Pageant. Ever since I was a little girl, I have loved pageantry. From the time I was old enough to play Barbies, I have been fascinated with pretty dresses and sparkling crowns. When I was little, I was torn between whether to be a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader, Daisy Duke, or Princess Ardala when I grew up. Unfortunately, I missed out on those career choices. I wonder why people are so drawn to sparkling icons. In every recorded culture, there have been people held up as paragons of beauty or virtue. Why do we need these examples? Is it to give us a higher standard to aspire to? Or possibly an impossible standard to escape to? I'm not sure. All I know is that in life decisions I take my guidance from the Bible, and I seek counsel from Godly friends. The older I get, the less I admire external things, and the more I try to "fix my eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.." (2 Corinthinans 1:18) However, if anyone were to come up and crown me with a tiara of sparkles, I certainly wouldn't say no. :)

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